Sunday, May 31, 2009

Diplomatic relation with Iran fiction or reality

The Obama administration has made reestablishment of US-Iran relation as one of his priority in reviving US stand in the world in general and fighting extremist Islamist in particular. But this process can be accomply without the participation of key countries namely Syria and Iran. Both countries are part of the axis of evil labelled by the Bush administration. But the question is : Is really diplomacy working or Obama is making the same mistake made by his predecessor? Looking at the situation right now and the visit of BiBi ( Israeli PM) it seems like the Obama administration has too much on it hand. On one side the Isrealo-palestinian conflict which is the source of tension in the middle East and on the otherside the Isrealo-Irano-America tension about a nuclear Iran. US head of diplomatic Ms Clinton has made it clear that an nuclear Iran can't come to existance. And the Israeli PM followed suite by saying that if US is soft on Iran, IDF will take necessary action to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapon and this means military strick as it did with Irak. The hypothesis is in case Isreal keep his word and bomb Iran, what will happen to the diplomatic relation so advertised by Mr Obama. And that in fact will derail the palestinian peace talk. And in the nord, the Hezbollah ( a military unit of the Iranian revolutionary abroad) will be temptated to attack Israel again. And what will be the stand of US in the matter. We don't have to wait and see in order to get the answer, Israel is an unfailling ally the US and US always stand by Israel. This means Diplomatic relation with Iran is a science fiction. But good luck to the president in doing what is best while knowing that it will definatly fail

Friday, May 29, 2009

Spelling bee yesterday came down to one word:Laodicean. the word was new to some but common sense to others.

Economic come back?

It is a subject of discussion these days. The economy may be making it come back. The numbers may tell us more about it. The sale existing houses is in the rise compared to past two months, fewer people are filing for unemployement benefit, Oil price is on the rise. These indications may be a positive sign. Talking about the housing market, it seems like people have some saving to spend on buying new house. So may be the housing market has hit the buttom of the pit that we feared and it is coming back to life; but the bid question of all time is : Is it a good time to buy? (we are not trying to answer this question at the moment), on the other hand millions of homeowners are in the red and unal to get financing or a take over of their morgages. We heard recently about buying bad assets, when will buying bad morgages become reality? The fund used to rescue wall streets through a backdoor wasllstreet rescue plan, the money ended up in wallstreeters' pockets in form of bonuses... Come on!!! more than a quarter of the rescue money...this is insanity. The unemployement claim has gone down. a question come to my mind: Are people tired of long line at the social security office or are people finding jobs? To know the answer to this questions, you just have to look at the number of murder associated with suicide. The Statistics are unbelievable. And Summer is around the corner, time for the rich oil mania to make some more bucks. Oil price is clumbing coz of a so called increase in demande. Seems like demande is concentratted on in one field, Defense. Most countries are increasing their military spending, and wat is the reason, a looming threat of Unkown origins. As the title says is the Economy really coming back is the problem of form what angle your wnat to tackle the issue. For and Oil mania, the economy is coming back but for waitress or janitors, the economy is miles away

But how how this trend will last? Answering to this question

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Is this an art or a science? a practice or a preference?a culture or a devotion? I tried to look for the origin of tatoo and i find out that tatoo is embeded into graphic design. I don hav any tatoo on my body but some of the design of it is very fascinating. Which lead me to write couple of lines about it.It became a ID of all our NBA stars, a passport of NFL, and admission for MLB... but who started the culture in the professional sport? the other day i saw the oldest tatoo ever ever ever ... a life. She is a female... somewhere in Europe... i guess Spain born in 1937.. she is still alive and has tatoo all over the body. The design looks somewhat attractive but... we take it as it is. It is tatoo. In Asia and africa, tatoo were used as a trademark of different tribes. But today what do we use tatoo for? ancient world tatoo were different whether it is on a woman or a man. Today it is not so, male and female have the same type of tatoo. But what is the message behind the piercing and the tatoo? It is to show off our origins or to attract people toward us. Food for thought

international affair1

It has come to my mind to talk little bit about Africa. Africa this vas continent with more than fifty countries also called mother land by some group in our population has been going back to the stone age. Since the Berlin conference in the beginning of the 19th centry, Africa has seen the development of his workforce exterminated. Why I took the Berlin conference has a reference is because it is close to our generation and documentations are more authenticated than the triangle Trade. It is not that I deny slavery but I just don't wanna involve myself into this contreversal debate. Nevertheless We will get time to discuss about it in integrality. Back to Africa, The berlin conference brought about the division of Africa as we know it today, means countries. Before that Africa was divided in kingdoms, Empires ... The Berlin conference brought the Administrative division together with Colonisation. Meaning african kingdoms then now called countries were paying due to their colonial Europeen Master country. I just wanna point out that Asia and America ( North, central, Latin) never been involved in colonisation. Masters of Colonisation being France, Spain, Portugal , Great Britain, Italy, Germany... in short Europe on the other side of the Berlin Wall. You see Berlin comes back again. The City of Berlin is a very important in defining today's history. One will argue that the division was beneficial to Africa. I nor agree or disagree. The division brought about separation of tribe. There 's case cases where the frontier between countries will passe through cemetries means passing over someone tomb. In cases like this it will happen that the upper part of the dead body end up in one country while the lower part is in the part of land of the neighboring country. And this will be the beginning of a long war of land. After creating all this mess, now Europe has backed off Africa and now want USA to be involved in finding solutions to african problems.